Hunan Delight

Hunan Delight
Originally uploaded by blomsieroller.
Spicy spareribs, tangy & spicy green beans, and rice from Di Shui Dong, a Hunan restaurant off Heng Shan Lu in Shanghai.
We spent only 1 full day in Shanghai, visiting Anita Dai, a friend from college. Lucky for us, Anita speaks Cantonese and was able to translate for us. Unfortunately, she was 9 months pregnant and due any day, so her mobility was a bit limited. But she did manage to draw up exact directions in English and Chinese to this fabulous restaurant in the French Concession area of Shanghai, and she even told us what to order. This meal was the result, and I daresay it was our best in China. The ribs were so flavorful, with more whole spices than you could count. The green beans were chopped and served in a spicy tangy sauce. Try chopping green beans, it's a great new texture.
This was our last full day in China. Olympics 2008?